About Us
Webmaster |
Dr. Björn Usadel |
Marie Bolger |
Phone: + 49-(0)241-80-26634
Fax: + 49-(0)241-80-22637
Phone: + 49-(0)2461-61-2628 |
RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Biology I
Worringer Weg 1
52056 Aachen
Forschungszentrum Jülich
IBG-2: Plant Sciences
52428 Jülich
phone: +49-(0)2461-61-2628
web: http://www.usadellab.org
Forschungszentrum Jülich
IBG-2: Plant Sciences
52425 Jülich
Funding history
GABIPD was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
01.01.2000 until 30.04.2004 FKZ: 0312272/6
01.05.2004 until 31.07.2007 FKZ: 0313112
01.08.2007 until 31.12.2012 FKZ: 0315046
General information about GABI
GABI, acronym for "Genomanalyse im biologischen System
Pflanze", is the name of a large collaborative network of different
plant genomic research projects. The projects are funded by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the purpose
to support plant genome research in Germany, to yield information
about commercial important plant genomes, and to establish a
scientific network within plant genomic research.
GabiPD (The GABI Primary Database) is part of the large GABI network.
For more information: http://www.gabi.de
Aims of GabiPD (The GABI Primary Database)
GabiPD collects, integrates and links all relevant primary
information from the GABI projects and makes them accessible via
internet. For data searches interfaces are developed. GreenCards is the main
interface for text based retrieval of sequence, snp, mapping data etc.
Sharing and interchange of data among collaborating research groups,
industry and the patent- and licensy agency are facilitated. Besides
bioinformatics services are offered to the
GABI community.
GabiPD is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Data submission and access to the data
Registered users can submit data via secure file upload. To
submit data, please go to: Submit data
The owner of the data can define who gets access to the data.
All data which are achieved with materials or services of the GABI
resource centers are subjected to the rules laid out by the BMBF. That
is, the submitted data are only accessible for the owner of the data
and an owner-defined usergroup up to six month. After this time the
patent- and licensing agency (PLA) and the Wirtschaftsverbund
Pflanzengenom (WPG) get the authorization to access your data for
three month prior to publication.
Team members
Dr. Björn Usadel |
Head of GabiPD team, Biologist |
Former members:
Axel Nagel
Jost Neigenfind
Rico Basekow
Oezguer Demir
Dr. Svenja Diehl (Meyer)
Dr. Oliver Drechsel
Dr. Pawel Durek
Alex Finck
Maren Imhoff
Dr. Birgit Kersten
Sabrina Kleeßen
Sebastian Koehler
Doreen Pahlke
Dr. Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón
Robert Wagner
Daniel Walaschewski
Elke Weber
Current projects of the GabiPD Team
GABI Primary Database (GabiPD)
(BMBF; single project, 2007-2011; project coordinator: Dr. Björn Usadel)
A portfolio of user-driven tools to design, handle, visualize and
analyze functional genomics experiments against a background of
existing knowledge: Tuning in Arabidopsis and application to crop
(BMBF; subproject, 2007-2010; project coordinator: Prof. Mark Stitt, MPIMP)
GABI-FUTURE Papatomics:
Validation of association between DNA-based markers and quantitative
traits in advanced breeding populations of potato by marker-assisted
selection and "Papatomics" (potato transcriptomics, proteomics,
(BMBF; subproject, 2008-2010; project coordinator: PD Dr. Christiane Gebhardt, MPIZ)
Biometric and bioinformatic tools for genomics-based plant breeding
(BMBF; subproject, 2008-2011; project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Melchinger, Universität Hohenheim)
Climate 2010:
Climate tolerance of barley – From gene induction to function
(StMELF, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung,
Landwirtschaft und Forsten; subcontract, 2009-2011; project
coordination: Dr. Guenther Schweizer, LFL)
GABI Plant-KBBE II ExpResBar:
Exploiting genetic variation for resistance to important pathogens in barley
(BMBF; subproject, 2010-2013; project coordination: Jutta Förster, Saaten-Union BIOTEC GmbH)
Arabidopsis WebServices:
Publications of the GabiPD Team
Usadel B, Schwacke R, Nagel A and B Kersten (2012)
GabiPD - The GABI Primary Database integrates plant proteomic data with gene-centric information.
Frontiers in Plant Science 3:154. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00154.
Gyetvai G, Sønderkær M, Göbel U, Basekow R, Ballvora A,
Imhoff M, Kersten B, Nielsen KL and Gebhardt C. (2012) The Transcriptome of Compatible
and Incompatible Interactions of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) with Phytophthora infestans
Revealed by DeepSAGE Analysis. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31526. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031526.
Lang D, Weiche B, Timmerhaus G, Richardt S, Riaño-Pachón DM,
Corrêa LG, Reski R, Mueller-Roeber B and SA Rensing (2010) Genome-wide phylogenetic
comparative analysis of plant transcriptional regulation: a timeline of
loss, gain, expansion, and correlation with complexity. Genome Biol Evol. 2:488-503.
Kryvych S, Kleeßen S, Ebert B, Kersten B and J Fisahn
(2010) Proteomics - the key to understanding systems biology
of Arabidopsis trichomes. Phytochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2010.09.003.
Riaño-Pachón DM, Kleeßen S, Neigenfind J,
Durek P, Weber E, Walther D, Selbig J, Engelsberger W, Schulze W and B
Kersten (2010) Proteome-wide survey of phosphorylation patterns
affected by nuclear DNA polymorphisms in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC
Genomics 11(1):411.
Durek P, Schmidt R, Heazlewood J, Jones A, MacLean D, Nagel A,
Kersten B and W Schulze (2010) PhosPhAt: The Arabidopsis thaliana
phosphorylation site database. An update. Nucleic Acids Research 38
(Database issue): D828-D834.
Pérez-Rodriguez P, Riaño-Pachón DM,
Corrêa LGG, Rensing S, Kersten B and B Mueller-Roeber (2010)
PlntTFDB: Updated content and new features in the Plant Transcription
Factor Database. Nucleic Acids Research 38 (Database issue):D822-7.
Kim JA, Cho K, Singh R, Jung YH, Jeong SH, Kim SH, Lee JE, Cho
YS, Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Tamogami S, Kersten B, Jeon JS, An G and NS
Jwa (2009) Rice OsACDR1 (Oryza sativa Accelerated Cell Death and
Resistance 1) is a potential positive regulator of disease resistance.
Molecules and Cells 28, 431-439.
Usadel B, Poree F, Nagel A, Lohse M, Czedik-Eysenberg A and M
Stitt (2009) A guide to using MapMan to visualize and compare Omics
data in plants: a case study in the crop species, Maize. Plant Cell
Environ. 32(9):1211-29.
Kersten B, Agrawal GK, Durek P, Neigenfind J, Schulze W, Walther
D and R Rakwal (2009) Plant phosphoproteomics: An update. Proteomics
Pajerowska-Mukhtar K, Stich B, Achenbach U, Ballvora A, Luebeck
J, Strahwald J, Tacke E, Hofferbert H-R, Ilarionova E, Bellin D,
Walkemeier B, Basekow R, Kersten B and C Gebhardt (2009) Single
nucleotide polymorphisms in the allene oxide synthase 2 gene are
associated with field resistance to late blight in populations of
tetraploid potato cultivars. Genetics 181(3):1115-27.
Riano-Pachon DM, Nagel A, Neigenfind J, Basekow R, Wagner R,
Weber E, Mueller-Roeber B, Diehl S and B Kersten (2009) GabiPD: The
GABI Primary Database - a plant integrative ‘omics’
database. Nucleic Acids Research 37(Database issue):D954-9.
Kersten B and T Feilner (2009) Protein microarrays for
phosphorylation studies. In: Walker J, ed, Protein protocols handbook.
Humana Press, Totowa.
Lohse M, Krueger P, Hannemann J, Nagel A, Stitt M, Walther D and
B Usadel (2008) Robin - Microarray Experimentanalyse leicht gemacht.
GenomXPress 3/08:16-17 (In German).
Arvidsson S, Kwasniewski M, Riano-Pachon DM and B Mueller-Roeber
B (2008) QuantPrime - a flexible tool for reliable high-throughput
primer design for quantitative PCR. BMC Bioinformatics 9(1):465.
Balazadeh S, Riano-Pachon DM and B Mueller-Roeber (2008)
Transcription factors regulating leaf senescence in Arabidopsis
thaliana. Plant Biology. 10(s1):63-75.
Kersten B (2008) Time to search for kinase substrates. In:
Rakwal R, Agrawal GK, eds, Plant Proteomics: Technologies, Strategies,
and Applications:485-498. Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, USA.
Correa LGG, Riano-Pachon DM, Schrago CG, dos Santos RV,
Mueller-Roeber B and M Vincentz (2008) The role of bZIP transcription
factors in green plant evolution: Adaptive features emerging from four
founder genes. PLoS ONE. 3(8):e2944.
Neigenfind J, Gyetvai G, Basekow R, Diehl S, Achenbach U,
Gebhardt C, Selbig J and B Kersten (2008) Haplotype inference from
unphased SNP data in heterozygous polyploids based on SAT. BMC Genomics
Kersten B, Nagel A, Riano-Pachon DM, Neigenfind J, Weber E,
Wagner R and S Diehl (2008) Die GABI-Primaerdatenbank GabiPD - Komplexe
Integration von GABI-Daten aus Modell- und Nutzpflanzen. GenomXPress
1/08:17-19 (In German).
Riano-Pachon DM, Correa LGG, Trejos-Espinosa R and B
Mueller-Roeber (2008) Green transcription factors: a Chlamydomonas
overview. Genetics 179(1):31-9.
Kersten B and EE Wanker (2008) Klinische Proteomik. In: Ganten
D, Ruckpaul K, eds, Grundlagen der Molekularen Medizin:Section 3.1,
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (In German).
Feilner T and B Kersten (2007) Phosphorylation studies using
plant protein microarrays. In: Thiellement H, Zivy M, Damerval C,
Mechin V, eds, Plant Proteomics. Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods
in Molecular Biology 355:379-90. Humana Press Inc., Totowa.
Kersten B and T Feilner (2007) Generation of plant protein
micorarrays and investigation of antigen-antibody interactions. In:
Thiellement H, Zivy M, Damerval C, Mechin V, eds, Plant Proteomics.
Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology 355:365-78.
Humana Press Inc., Totowa.
Kersten B and T Feilner (2007) High-throughput identification of
plant protein kinase substrates. In: Šamaj J, Thelen J, eds,
Plant proteomics:53-70, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Kersten B, Agrawal GK, Iwahashi H and R Rakwal (2006) Plant
phosphoproteomics: A long road ahead. Proteomics 6(20):5517-5528.
Usadel B, Nagel A, Steinhauser D, Gibon Y, Blaesing OE, Redestig
H, Sreenivasulu N, Krall L, Hannah MA, Poree F, Fernie AR and M Stitt
(2006) PageMan: an interactive ontology tool to generate, display, and
annotate overview graphs for profiling experiments. BMC Bioinformatics
Urbanczyk-Wochniak E, Usadel B, Thimm O, Nunes-Nesi A, Carrari
F, Davy M, Blaesing O, Kowalczyk M, Weicht D, Polinceusz A, Meyer S,
Stitt M and AR Fernie (2006) Conversion of MapMan to allow the analysis
of transcript data from Solanaceous species: Effects of genetic and
environmental alterations in energy metabolism in the Leaf. Plant
Molecular Biology 60(5):773-92.
Wanker EE and B Kersten (2006) Proteomics: from proteins to
disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapeutic strategies.
In: Ganten D, Ruckpaul K, eds, Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and
Proteomics in Molecular Medicine, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New
Feilner T, Hultschig C, Lee J, Meyer S, Immink RGH, Koenig A,
Possling A, Seitz H, Beveridge A, Scheel D, Cahill DJ, Lehrach H,
Kreutzberger J and B Kersten (2005) High-throughput identification of
potential Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinases substrates.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4(10):1558-1568.
Usadel B, Nagel A, Thimm O, Redestig H, Blaesing OE,
Palacios-Rojas N, Selbig J, Hannemann J, Piques MC, Steinhauser D,
Scheible WR, Gibon Y, Morcuende R, Weicht D, Meyer S and M Stitt (2005)
Extension of the visualization tool MapMan to allow statistical
analysis of arrays, display of corresponding genes, and comparison with
known responses. Plant Physiology 138(3):1195-204.
Meyer S, Nagel A and C Gebhardt (2005) PoMaMo - A comprehensive
database for potato genome data. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database
Buerkle L, Meyer S, Dortay H, Lehrach H and A Heyl (2005) In
vitro recombination cloning of entire cDNA libraries in Arabidopsis
thaliana and its application to the yeast two-hybrid system. Functional
& Integrative Genomics 5(3):175-183.
Thimm O, Blaesing O, Gibon Y, Nagel A, Meyer S, Krueger P,
Selbig J, Mueller LA, Rhee SY and M Stitt (2004) MAPMAN: a user-driven
tool to display genomics data sets onto diagrams of metabolic pathways
and other biological processes. Plant Journal 37(6):914-39.
Selected as fast breaking paper in plant and
animal sciences: ESI
(257 times cited in August 2009)
Rickert AM, Kim JH, Meyer S, Nagel A, Ballvora A, Oefner PJ and
C Gebhardt (2003) First-generation SNP/InDel markers tagging loci for
pathogen resistance in the potato genome. Plant Biotechnology Journal
Selected publications referencing GabiPD
Pajerowska-Mukhtar K, Stich B, Achenbach U, Ballvora A, Luebeck
J, Strahwald J, Tacke E, Hofferbert H-R, Ilarionova E, Bellin D,
Walkemeier B, Basekow R, Kersten B and C Gebhardt (2009) Single
nucleotide polymorphisms in the allene oxide synthase 2 gene are
associated with field resistance to late blight in populations of
tetraploid potato cultivars. Genetics 181(3):1115-27.
Vizeacoumar FJ, Chong Y, Boone C and BJ Andrews (2009) A picture
is worth a thousand words: genomics to phenomics in the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Lett. 583(11):1656-61.
Achenbach U, Paulo J, Ilarionova E, Lübeck J, Strahwald J,
Tacke E, Hofferbert HR and C Gebhardt (2008) Using SNP markers to
dissect linkage disequilibrium at a major quantitative trait locus for
resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida on potato
chromosome V. Theor Appl Genet. 118(3):619-29. PubMed PMID: 19020852.
Pestsova E, Meinhard J, Menze A, Fischer U, Windhövel A and
P Westhoff (2008) Transcript profiles uncover temporal and
stress-induced changes of metabolic pathways in germinating sugar beet
seeds. BMC Plant Biol. 8:122.
Neigenfind J, Gyetvai G, Basekow R, Meyer S, Achenbach U,
Gebhardt C, Selbig J and B Kersten (2008) Haplotype inference from
unphased SNP data in heterzygous polyploids based on SAT. BMC Genomics
Lange C, Holtgräwe D, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H.
(2008) Construction and characterization of a sugar beet (Beta
vulgaris) fosmid library. Genome 51(11):948-51.
Tellstroem V, Usadel B, Thimm O, Stitt M, Kuester H and K
Niehaus (2007) The lipopolysaccharide of Sinorhizobium meliloti
suppresses defense-associated gene expression in cell cultures of the
host plant Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiol. 143(2):825-37.
Schneider K, Kulosa D, Soerensen TR, Moehring S, Heine M,
Durstewitz G, Polley A, Weber E, Jamsari, Lein J, Hohmann U, Tahiro E,
Weisshaar B, Schulz B, Koch G, Jung C and M Ganal (2007) Analysis of
DNA polymorphisms in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and development of
an SNP-based map of expressed genes. Theor Appl Genet. 115(5):601-15.
Ballvora A, Joecker A, Viehoever P, Ishihara H, Paal J, Meksem
K, Bruggmann R, Schoof H, Weisshaar B and C Gebhardt (2007) Comparative
sequence analysis of Solanum and Arabidopsis in a hot spot for pathogen
resistance on potato chromosome V reveals a patchwork of conserved and
rapidly evolving genome segments. BMC Genomics 2(8):112.
Stein N, Prasad M, Scholz U, Thiel T, Zhang H, Wolf M, Kota R,
Varshney RK, Perovic D, Grosse I and A Graner (2007) A 1,000-loci
transcript map of the barley genome: new anchoring points for
integrative grass genomics. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Sattarzadeh A, Achenbach U, Luebeck J, Strahwald J, Tacke E,
Hofferbert HR, Rothsteyn T and C Gebhardt (2006) Single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) genotyping as basis for developing a PCR-based
marker highly diagnostic for potato varieties with high resistance to
Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3. Mol. Breeding 18:301-312.
Hilson P (2006) Cloned sequence repertoires for small- and
large-scale biology. Trends in Plant Science 11:133-141.
Urbanczyk-Wochniak E, Usadel B, Thimm O, Nunes-Nesi A, Carrari
F, Davy M, Blasing O, Kowalczyk M, Weicht D, Polinceusz A, Meyer S,
Stitt M and AR Fernie (2006) Conversion of MapMan to allow the analysis
of transcript data from Solanaceous species: effects of genetic and
environmental alterations in energy metabolism in the leaf. Plant Mol.
Biol. 60(5):773-92.
Feilner T, Hultschig C, Lee J, Meyer S, Immink RG, Koenig A,
Possling A, Seitz H, Beveridge A, Scheel D, Cahill DJ, Lehrach H,
Kreutzberger J and B Kersten (2005) High throughput identification of
potential Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinases substrates.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 4(10):1558-68.
Giavalisco P, Wilson D, Kreitler T, Lehrach H, Klose J, Gobom J
and P Fucini (2005) High heterogeneity within the ribosomal proteins of
the Arabidopsis thaliana 80S ribosome. Plant Mol Biol. 57(4):577-91.
Giavalisco P, Nordhoff E, Kreitler T, Kloppel KD, Lehrach H,
Klose J and J Gobom (2005) Proteome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana by
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry. Proteomics
Buerkle L, Meyer S, Dortay H, Lehrach H and A Heyl (2005) In
vitro recombination cloning of entire cDNA libraries in Arabidopsis
thaliana and its application to the yeast two-hybrid system. Functional
& Integrative Genomics 5(3), 175-183.
Meyer S, Nagel A and C Gebhardt (2005) PoMaMo-a comprehensive
database for potato genome data. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database
Nagel A, Usadel B, Thimm O, Redestig H, Blaesing OE,
Palacios-Rojas N, Selbig J, Hannemann J, Piques MC, Steinhauser D,
Scheible WR, Gibon Y, Morcuende R, Weicht D, Meyer S and M Stitt (2005)
Extension of the visualization tool MapMan to allow statistical
analysis of arrays, display of corresponding genes, and comparison with
known responses. Plant Physiology 138(3):1195-204.
Thimm O, Blaesing O, Gibon Y, Nagel A, Meyer S, Krueger P,
Selbig J, Mueller LA, Rhee SY and M Stitt (2004) MAPMAN: a user-driven
tool to display genomics data sets onto diagrams of metabolic pathways
and other biological processes. Plant Journal 37(6):914-39 (fast
breaking paper).
Rickert AM, Jeong HK, Meyer S, Nagel A, Ballvora A, Oefner PJ
and C Gebhardt (2003) First-generation SNP/InDel markers tagging loci
for pathogen resistance in the potato genome. Plant Biotechnology
Journal 1(6):399-410.