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Prototype of BreedCAM

(Breeding Cultivation and Measurement)
BreedCAM is a prototype database application created from the GABI-group at the RZPD in close cooperation with Markus Herz from the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture LfL who was partner in the GABI-MALT project.

The database contains data on state variety trials for spring Barley from the Institute for Crop Science and Plant Breeding. The data are implemented into a Oracle database and are displayed with state-of-the-art server technologies.

Results obtained from cultivation trials (with different factors) of the particular varieties in different years at different locations in Bavaria are accessible. Beside reports of the different trials which are downloadable, the user will find the results obtained from analyzing the trial-specific seeds with respect to various malting parameters.

Via the different locations or the different Barley varieties, the data are accessible and displayed in tables. All tables are sort able by the different columns. The user-friendly search template allows for searching trials of selected varieties, locations and/or years. The search could be further restricted by setting cut-offs for selected malting parameters. The user can download the results of his search in Excel format for his own purposes.

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